Tips to Make the Best Burgers on a Traeger Grill

The Traeger grill has revolutionized the way we cook burgers, allowing us to achieve mouthwatering flavors and perfect char marks. Whether you prefer beef, veggie, or chicken burgers, the Traeger can help you create a delicious meal. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using the Traeger grill to make burgers and provide some tips to help you achieve burger perfection. Let’s get grilling!

Different Types of Burgers

Burgers are a popular and delicious meal that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Whether you prefer a classic beef burger, a veggie burger, or a chicken burger, there is a burger type for everyone’s taste. Here are the different types of burgers you can make on your Traeger grill:

Beef Burgers on a Traeger

Beef burgers are the traditional and most commonly enjoyed type of burger. They are made from ground beef mixed with various seasonings and formed into patties. The key to a juicy and flavorful beef burger is using high-quality ground beef with a good fat content. Cook your beef burgers on the Traeger grill until they reach an internal temperature of 160°F, ensuring they are cooked thoroughly and safe to eat.

Veggie Burgers on a Traeger

Veggie burgers are an excellent option for vegetarians and those looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into their diet. These burgers are made from a combination of vegetables, legumes, grains, and spices. They can be cooked on the Traeger grill to add a smoky and charred flavor. Veggie burgers are versatile and can be customized with various toppings and sauces to suit your preferences.

Chicken Burgers on a Traeger

Chicken burgers are a lighter alternative to beef burgers and offer a leaner protein option. You can use ground chicken or finely chop boneless, skinless chicken breast to make the patties. Chicken burgers can be flavored with herbs, spices, and even added ingredients like cheese or vegetables. Grill them on your Traeger for a delicious and healthier burger option.

When making burgers on your Traeger grill, you can experiment with different spices, seasonings, and toppings to create unique and flavorful combinations. Try adding BBQ sauce, cheese, bacon, sautéed mushrooms, or avocado slices to elevate the taste and add extra deliciousness to your burger.

Tips for Making the Perfect Burger on the Traeger Grill

When it comes to grilling burgers, the Traeger Grill is a game-changer. This versatile grill not only allows you to cook your burgers to perfection but also adds a unique smoky flavor that you won’t get from traditional grills. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect burger on your Traeger Grill:

Select Fresh Ingredients

The key to a delicious burger starts with fresh ingredients. Choose high-quality ground beef or your preferred meat alternative for veggie or chicken burgers. Look for lean meat with a good balance of fat for juiciness and flavor. Don’t forget to season the meat with salt and pepper to enhance the taste.

Prepare the Grill Properly

Before grilling your burgers, it’s essential to preheat and prepare your Traeger Grill correctly. Start by cleaning the grill grates to ensure there are no remnants of previous meals. Then, preheat the grill according to the temperature specified in your recipe or desired doneness. This will ensure even cooking and prevent sticking.

Form the Perfect Patty

The shape and thickness of your burger patty can affect the cooking time and end result. When shaping the patties, avoid overhandling the meat to prevent compacting and making it tough. Create an indentation in the center of each patty to prevent it from puffing up during cooking. This will help the burger cook more evenly.

Add Flavor

While a simple salt and pepper seasoning can make a tasty burger, don’t be afraid to get creative with flavors. Experiment with different seasonings, herbs, and spices to elevate the taste. You can also add toppings such as cheese, bacon, sautéed onions, or mushrooms to enhance the flavor profile.

Remember to brush your grill grates with oil before placing the patties to prevent them from sticking. Cook the burgers until they reach your desired level of doneness, flipping them only once. Use a meat thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature reaches the recommended safe temperature for your meat of choice.

By following these simple tips, you can create mouthwatering burgers on your Traeger Grill. Whether you prefer classic beef burgers, veggie alternatives, or flavorful chicken burgers, the Traeger Grill will help you achieve delicious results every time. So fire up your grill, gather your favorite ingredients, and get ready to enjoy the ultimate burger experience!

Benefits of Making Burgers on a Traeger Grill

When it comes to cooking burgers, using a Traeger Grill can take your grilling experience to a whole new level. Not only does it offer convenience, but it also provides several benefits that enhance the taste and flavor of your burgers. Here are some key advantages of making burgers on a Traeger Grill:

1. Health Benefits

Cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill allows the excess fats and oils to drip away, resulting in leaner and healthier burgers. The grill’s unique design promotes even heat distribution, ensuring that your burgers are cooked evenly and to perfection. Additionally, Traeger Grills use wood pellets as a fuel source, which adds a smoky flavor without the need for excessive oil or unhealthy additives.

2. Versatility

One of the greatest advantages of using a Traeger Grill is its versatility. You can experiment with various types of burgers, such as beef, veggie, and chicken, and explore different flavors and seasonings. The grill’s temperature control feature allows you to cook your burgers at precise temperatures, ensuring that they are grilled to your preferred level of doneness.

3. Better Tasting Food

When burgers are cooked on a Traeger Grill, they acquire a unique wood-fired flavor that simply can’t be replicated using other cooking methods. The natural hardwood pellets infuse your burgers with a smoky, rich taste, elevating their flavors to new heights. Whether you prefer a classic cheeseburger or a gourmet mushroom Swiss burger, cooking them on a Traeger Grill will result in an unparalleled taste experience.

How to Cook Burgers on a Traeger Grill

If you’re lucky enough to own a Traeger Grill, you’re in for a treat when it comes to making delicious burgers. The Traeger Grill’s unique wood-fired cooking method adds incredible flavor and ensures juicy, perfectly cooked burgers every time. Here are some tips on how to cook burgers on a Traeger Grill:


One of the keys to making great burgers on a Traeger Grill is getting the temperature just right. Preheat your Traeger Grill to 450°F to start, and then adjust the temperature as needed during the cooking process. This high heat will give your burgers a nice sear and help to lock in the juices.


Cooking time can vary based on the thickness of your burgers and your desired level of doneness. As a general guide, cook 1/2-inch thick burgers for about 4-5 minutes per side for medium-rare, and add a minute or two for each additional level of doneness. Keep in mind that Traeger Grills cook slightly slower than traditional grills, so be sure to monitor the internal temperature of the burgers with a meat thermometer to ensure they reach your preferred level of doneness.


When cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill, it’s best to flip them only once. Flipping too often can cause the burgers to lose their juices and become dry. Let the burgers cook for a few minutes on one side until they develop a nice sear, and then carefully flip them using a spatula or grill tongs. Avoid pressing down on the burgers while cooking, as this also releases the juices and can result in dry burgers.

Adding Flavor

While burgers are delicious on their own, you can take them up a notch by adding your favorite seasonings or toppings. Before grilling, season the burgers with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings. You can also experiment with adding wood pellets to your Traeger Grill for an extra smoky flavor. Hickory, maple, and applewood are popular choices that pair well with burgers.


After removing the burgers from the grill, allow them to rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and moist burger.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill. Whether you prefer classic beef burgers, veggie burgers, or chicken burgers, your Traeger Grill will elevate the taste and make your burgers a hit at any barbecue or gathering.

Accessories to Consider

If you’re a burger lover and you own a Traeger grill, there are a few accessories that you should consider investing in to enhance your grilling experience. These accessories can make your burger cooking process more efficient, convenient, and enjoyable.

1. Grill Tools

Having the right grilling tools is essential for making perfect burgers on your Traeger grill. Consider investing in a sturdy spatula, tongs, and a meat thermometer. A spatula with a long handle will help you flip the burgers without burning your hands, while tongs are ideal for handling the patties and toppings. Using a meat thermometer will ensure that your burgers are cooked to perfection, giving you that juicy and tender bite every time.

2. Grill Mats

Grill mats are a must-have accessory when it comes to grilling burgers on a Traeger grill. These non-stick mats provide a clean cooking surface, preventing your burgers from sticking to the grates and falling apart. They also help distribute heat evenly, resulting in perfectly cooked burgers with beautiful grill marks.

3. Spice Blends

Spice blends can take your burgers to a whole new level of flavor. Investing in a variety of spice blends, such as a classic barbecue rub, a smoky mesquite blend, or a spicy chili seasoning, can add depth and complexity to your burger creations. Experiment with different blends to find your favorite combination.

Overall, these accessories can enhance your grilling experience and help you achieve burger perfection on your Traeger grill. They are worth considering if you want to take your burgers to the next level and impress your family and friends with mouthwatering creations.

Maintenance and Cleaning Tips for Your Traeger Grill

Keeping your Traeger grill clean and well-maintained is essential for optimal performance and longevity. Regular maintenance and cleaning will help ensure that your grill continues to produce delicious burgers and other grilled foods. Here are some tips to help you keep your Traeger grill in top shape:

1. Clean the Grate

The grill grate is where all the magic happens. Over time, it can become caked with grease and food residue, which can affect the flavor of your burgers. To clean the grate, start by preheating your Traeger grill on high for 15 minutes. Once it’s hot, use a grill brush to scrape off any food particles and grease. For stubborn residue, you can also use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to soak the grate before scrubbing.

2. Proper Storage

When not in use, it’s important to store your Traeger grill properly to protect it from the elements. If you have a grill cover, use it to shield your grill from rain, snow, and sun exposure. Make sure that the grill is completely cooled before covering it. If you don’t have a cover, try to find a sheltered location or consider investing in one to prolong the life of your grill.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to empty out the ash bucket regularly to maintain proper airflow and prevent any potential fire hazards. Clean out any accumulated ash by removing the bucket and discarding the contents. Remember to wait until the grill has completely cooled down before handling the ash bucket.

Lastly, inspect your grill periodically for any signs of wear and tear. Check for loose or damaged parts, and replace them as needed. Keeping your grill in good condition will not only ensure great tasting burgers but also extend the lifespan of your Traeger grill.

With these maintenance and cleaning tips, you can enjoy delicious burgers cooked on your Traeger grill for years to come. Keep your grill in top shape, and it will reward you with consistently perfect burgers and other grilled delights.

Five Recipes to Try with Your Traeger Grill

If you’re the proud owner of a Traeger grill and looking to try something new, why not experiment with some delicious burger recipes? Below are five mouthwatering recipes that will take your burger game to the next level.

Bacon Cheeseburger

This classic burger recipe is always a crowd-pleaser. Start by grilling your burger patties to perfection on your Traeger grill. While they cook, crisp up some bacon slices on the grill as well. Once the burgers are done, top them with a slice of your favorite cheese, and stack on the bacon. Serve on a toasted bun with your preferred toppings and condiments.

Mediterranean Burger

For a unique twist on a classic burger, try the Mediterranean-inspired version. Mix ground beef with minced garlic, feta cheese, chopped kalamata olives, and a sprinkle of dried oregano. Form the mixture into patties and grill on your Traeger until cooked to your desired doneness. Serve on a toasted bun with lettuce, tomato, and tzatziki sauce for a burst of Mediterranean flavors.

Pimento Cheese Sliders

These sliders are perfect for parties or when you want to serve smaller portions. Combine ground beef with pimento cheese spread and shape into small patties. Grill the sliders on your Traeger until cooked through, and assemble them on mini buns with some arugula or lettuce for a pop of color. The creamy pimento cheese adds a tangy and spicy kick to these delightful sliders.

Fajita Burger

Take your taste buds on a Tex-Mex journey with this flavorful fajita burger. Marinate your burger patties in a mixture of lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, smoked paprika, and cumin. Grill the patties on your Traeger until they reach your desired level of doneness. Serve on a toasted ciabatta roll with grilled onions, peppers, and a dollop of sour cream or guacamole for a fiesta in every bite.

Beyond Burger

For those looking for a meatless option, the Beyond Burger is a delicious plant-based alternative. Grill Beyond Burger patties on your Traeger, following the package instructions for cooking time. Serve on a bun with your choice of toppings and condiments. This burger provides the satisfaction of a traditional beef patty while being entirely plant-based.

With these five recipes, you can unleash your creativity and make the most of your Traeger grill. Whether you prefer the classic bacon cheeseburger or want to try something bolder like the Mediterranean or Fajita burger, the Traeger grill will ensure that your burgers are cooked to perfection every time.

burgers on a traeger grill


In conclusion, cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill offers numerous benefits. The Traeger Grill enhances the flavor and texture of the burgers, making them incredibly delicious. Additionally, it allows for versatility in the types of burgers that can be prepared, including beef, veggie, and chicken burgers.

When cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill, it is important to use fresh and high-quality ingredients to ensure the best result. Properly preparing the grill, forming the perfect patty, and adding flavor are also crucial steps in creating the perfect burger.

Not only does cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill result in tasty dishes, but it also offers health benefits. The excess fat drips away, reducing the overall calorie content of the burger. The Traeger Grill also gives individuals the freedom to experiment with different flavors and toppings, making each burger a unique culinary experience.

Once the burgers are cooked, it is essential to store any leftovers properly. Cooling and storing them in a refrigerator and following freezing tips will ensure the burgers are safe and delicious to consume at a later time.

To maximize the grilling experience, considering accessories such as grill tools, grill mats, and spice blends can enhance the flavor and make the cooking process more convenient.

Lastly, maintaining and cleaning the Traeger Grill is necessary to ensure its longevity and proper functioning. Regularly cleaning the grate and storing the grill properly will help extend its lifespan.

In summary, cooking burgers on a Traeger Grill provides a multitude of benefits, from enhanced flavor to health advantages. Trying out different recipes and experimenting with various toppings and flavors will help create a variety of burger options that are sure to impress friends and family. So, fire up the Traeger Grill and enjoy the deliciousness of homemade burgers.

FAQs about Burgers on a Traeger Grill

What is a Traeger Grill?

The Traeger grill is a wood pellet grill that uses indirect heat to cook food. It is known for creating a smoky and delicious flavor in grilled foods.

What are the benefits of using a Traeger grill to make burgers?

Using a Traeger grill to make burgers offers several benefits, including:

  • The ability to control the cooking temperature, resulting in perfectly cooked burgers
  • The smoky flavor imparted by the wood pellets enhances the taste of the burgers
  • The versatility of the grill allows for various cooking techniques and flavors
  • The Traeger grill is known for its even heat distribution, ensuring consistent cooking of the burgers

What are the different types of burgers that can be made on a Traeger grill?

Burgers can be made with different types of proteins, including:

  • Beef burgers
  • Veggie burgers
  • Chicken burgers

What are some tips for making the perfect burger on a Traeger grill?

To make the perfect burger on a Traeger grill, consider the following tips:

  • Select fresh ingredients for the best flavor
  • Prepare the grill properly by preheating it to the recommended temperature
  • Form the perfect patty using a gentle touch and proper shaping techniques
  • Add flavor by seasoning the burger with spices or marinating it prior to grilling

What are some popular burger recipes for a Traeger grill?

Here are some popular burger recipes to try on a Traeger grill:

  • Classic Cheese Burger
  • Mushroom Swiss Burger
  • Hickory-Smoked BBQ Burger

What are the benefits of eating burgers cooked on a Traeger grill?

Eating burgers cooked on a Traeger grill offers the following benefits:

  • Health benefits, as excess fat is able to drip away during the cooking process
  • Versatility in cooking different types of burgers and flavors
  • Better tasting food due to the smoky, flavorful results of a Traeger grill

How should I store leftovers from my Traeger grill?

To store leftovers from your Traeger grill:

  • Cool the burgers to room temperature before storing them in an airtight container in the refrigerator
  • If you want to freeze the leftovers, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or place them in freezer-safe containers

What accessories should I consider for my Traeger grill?

Consider the following accessories for your Traeger grill:

  • Grill tools, such as spatulas, tongs, and brushes, to aid in the burger cooking process
  • Grill mats to prevent food from sticking to the grates
  • Spice blends or rubs to enhance the flavor of the burgers

What are some maintenance and cleaning tips for my Traeger grill?

To maintain and clean your Traeger grill:

  • Clean the grate after each use using a grill brush
  • Properly store the grill in a cool, dry place when not in use

What are some burger recipes that I can try on my Traeger grill?

Here are five burger recipes to try on your Traeger grill:

  • Bacon Cheeseburger
  • Mediterranean Burger
  • Pimento Cheese Sliders
  • Fajita Burger
  • Beyond Burger

What are the benefits of making burgers on a Traeger grill?

Making burgers on a Traeger grill offers benefits such as:

  • Control over cooking temperature for perfectly cooked burgers
  • Enhanced flavor from the wood pellets used in the grill
  • Versatility in cooking techniques and flavors

How can I enjoy the leftovers from my Traeger grill?

You can enjoy the leftovers from your Traeger grill by reheating them and serving them in various ways, such as in sandwiches, salads, or using them as a topping for pizzas or nachos.


  • Brandt Elliot

    Hello, I'm Brandt, a Certified Grillmaster, chef, and culinary enthusiast with a lifelong passion for creating exceptional flavors through grilling and cooking. Over the past 30 years, I've honed my barbecue skills on a wide range of smokers, grills, and culinary techniques. I've served as a BBQ judge and earned awards and recognition for my achievements in the world of barbecue.

    I'm also an author, writer, and contributor to sites such as Fine Cooking, The Food Chronicles, My Tasty Dish, and The Cooking. I'm dedicated to sharing my expertise and guiding you on your culinary journey.

    Join me as we dive deep into the art of grilling, where I'll be unveiling my time-tested tips and secret recipes that bring people together, one sizzle at a time!

Last updated: September 24, 2023

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