Simple Steps to Slow Cook Beef Roast on a Charcoal Grill

Grilling a roast on a charcoal grill can be a delightful experience that brings out amazing flavors. It’s not complicated – just follow these easy steps to slow cook beef roast on a charcoal grill and make your roast juicy and delicious every time.

The Charcoal Grill Advantage

Cooking a roast on a charcoal grill gives it that smoky, grilled taste that everyone loves. It’s a simple way to achieve that tender texture and incredible flavor. No need for fancy ovens – the grill does the magic.

Step 1: Prepping for Success

  1. Choose Your Cut: Start with a great piece of meat. Ribeye, sirloin, or chuck roast are excellent choices.
  2. Season Simply: Before grilling, let your roast sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Season it with salt and pepper – that’s all you need.

Step 2: Mastering the Fire

  1. Charcoal Basics: Let your charcoal sit for 15-20 minutes to heat up.
  2. Searing Action: Place the roast directly over the hot coals for those beautiful grill marks. Turn it every 3-4 minutes for an even sear.
  3. Slow and Steady: Move the roast to the cooler side of the grill for gentle cooking. This is where the magic happens.
Slow Cook Beef Roast on a Charcoal Grill

Step 3: Temperature Precision

  1. The Meat Thermometer: Invest in a meat thermometer. For medium-rare, aim for 130-135°F (54-57°C).
  2. Doneness Dance: Grill until the internal temperature is just right. No guesswork, no overcooking.

Step 4: The Resting Encore

Give It a Break: Once off the grill, let the roast rest. This helps the juices redistribute for ultimate tenderness.

Step 5: Flavorful Experiments

Get Creative: Try different rubs, marinades, or wood chips for extra flavor. Experiment and find your favorite combination.

Step 6: Slicing and Serving

The Finishing Touch: Slice and serve your perfectly grilled roast. Each bite is a burst of smoky, tender goodness.

Your Grilling Journey Continues

Leftover roast? No problem. Transform it into mouthwatering sandwiches or wraps. Your charcoal grill adventure doesn’t end with the cooking – it’s a delicious journey that keeps on giving.

Grill the Easy Way: Grilling a roast doesn’t have to be complicated. With these straightforward steps, you can master the art of charcoal grill roasting and create unforgettable meals every time.

FAQs to Slow Cook Beef Roast on a Charcoal Grill

How long does it take to grill a roast on a charcoal grill?

Grilling time can vary based on factors like the size of the roast and the grill temperature. As a general guideline, plan for 15 to 20 minutes of grilling per pound of meat at around 400°F. Keep an eye on the internal temperature using a meat thermometer to ensure the desired doneness.

What’s the ideal internal temperature for a perfectly cooked roast?

For a medium-rare roast, aim for an internal temperature of 130 to 135°F (54-57°C). Use a meat thermometer to accurately gauge the doneness and prevent overcooking.

How do I achieve the best flavor when grilling a roast?

Season your roast simply with salt and pepper to enhance its natural flavors. You can also experiment with rubs, marinades, and wood chips to add extra layers of taste to your roast.

Can I use a marinade when grilling roast beef?

Absolutely!Marinating your roast can keep it moist and add extra flavor. Just make sure to pat the roast dry before grilling to ensure a good sear.

How do I ensure even cooking on the grill?

To achieve even cooking, make sure your charcoal is evenly distributed. Additionally, move the roast to a cooler area of the grill after searing to allow for gentle cooking and to prevent burning.

Should I let the roast rest after grilling?

Yes, it’s crucial to let the roast rest for about 10 minutes after grilling. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a tender and flavorful roast.

Can I grill a roast from frozen?

It’s recommended to thaw the roast before grilling for even and consistent cooking. Thawing in the refrigerator is the safest method.

What’s the best way to slice and serve a grilled roast?

After the resting period, slice the roast against the grain to ensure tenderness. This technique helps to break down the muscle fibers, resulting in a more enjoyable eating experience.

Can I use different cuts of beef for grilling a roast?

Yes, you can use various cuts like ribeye, sirloin, or chuck roast for grilling. Each cut offers its own unique texture and flavor, so feel free to experiment and find your favorite.

What’s the benefit of grilling a roast on a charcoal grill?

Grilling imparts a smoky and grilled flavor that can’t be replicated in an oven. It’s a simple and enjoyable method that brings out the best in your roast, making it tender and full of flavor.


  • Brandt Elliot

    Hello, I'm Brandt, a Certified Grillmaster, chef, and culinary enthusiast with a lifelong passion for creating exceptional flavors through grilling and cooking. Over the past 30 years, I've honed my barbecue skills on a wide range of smokers, grills, and culinary techniques. I've served as a BBQ judge and earned awards and recognition for my achievements in the world of barbecue.

    I'm also an author, writer, and contributor to sites such as Fine Cooking, The Food Chronicles, My Tasty Dish, and The Cooking. I'm dedicated to sharing my expertise and guiding you on your culinary journey.

    Join me as we dive deep into the art of grilling, where I'll be unveiling my time-tested tips and secret recipes that bring people together, one sizzle at a time!

Last updated: September 24, 2023