Pellet Grill vs Smoker

Pellet Grill or Smoker: What’s the Difference? 2023

When you are looking for a pellet grill, there are many different options available. One of the most popular decisions is whether to buy a pellet grill or smoker. If you’re not sure what the difference is between these two, then this article will break it down for you! Find out what the difference is between a pellet grill vs smoker. This article will go over the pros and cons of each to help you decide which one is best for your needs!

What is a pellet smoker, and how does it work?


A pellet smoker is a device that combines the simple mechanics of smoking with digital technology to control temperature, smoke levels, and cooking time. A pellet grill uses small wood pellets as fuel for its firebox. These are fed into an auger system that then feeds into a heating element, spreading the pellet-fired heat over the grill. This pellet smoker is great for cooking anything from meat to vegetables! This allows you to cook incredible dishes, even if you’ve never used one before!

What is an offset smoker, and what does it do?


An offset smoker is a traditional barrel-shaped device that uses wood to provide heat and smoke for cooking. It’s an incredibly versatile tool because it can be used as either a grill or a smoker, depending on the setup! This type of smoker works by warming up the air inside its enclosed smoking chamber, which then passes over food to cook it. This type of smoker is excellent for cooking larger cuts of meat like ribs and pork shoulders! Offset smokers are great for cooking ribs, brisket, and anything that benefits from long cook times with indirect heat.

It’s true that there are many methods for cooking meat, but offset smokers are the right choice for when you’re in need of a low-and-slow approach. The beauty of an offset smoker is that it can take up to 16 hours to cook your meat, so it’s perfect if you want to prep in advance and have food ready at the end of the day. With its sturdy design and effective heat transfer system, this type of cooker won’t let you down.

The best part about using an offset smoker is being able to control how much smoke flavor enters your dish – or not. You can adjust the air intake vents on top for more or less airflow, which will either fuel your fire with more oxygen (leading to a hotter flame) or restrict it (turning your smoker into more of a grill).

What is pellet grilling?


A pellet smoker uses small wood pellets as fuel for its firebox. These are fed into an auger system which then feeds into a heating element, this pellet-fired heat spreads out to cook your meat evenly and thoroughly, resulting in mouthwatering goodness! This pellet smoker is great for cooking anything from meat to vegetables!

A pellet smoker is a device that combines the simple mechanics of smoking with digital technology to control temperature, smoke levels, and cooking time. This allows you to cook amazing dishes, even if you’ve never used one before!

Pellet grilling is pellet-fired heat that spreads out to cook your meat evenly and thoroughly for mouthwatering goodness.

What are the benefits of pellet grills over other types of smokers?

A pellet smoker is a device that combines the simple mechanics of smoking with digital technology to control temperature, smoke levels, and cooking time. This allows you to cook amazing dishes, even if you’ve never used one before!

Is it possible to cook on a pellet grill the same as I would on my other grills?


Yes! Pellet grills can cook many of the same dishes as other outdoor cooking devices. Of course, there are some that have unique features that you may want to consider before buying one. For example, if you are thinking of buying a pellet grill for its unique smoking capabilities, then maybe an offset smoker would be better.

How much smoke does a pellet grill produce?


A pellet smoker generates considerably less smoke than traditional smokers, but the food you prepare on it will still have a “smoked” taste with a gentler flavor!

However, if you want to add more smoke to your dish, use smoke tubes or smoker boxes, which can be filled with extra wood chips for a deeper smoky flavor.

The amount of smoke generated by certain pellet grills can also be controlled using a knob or button, for example, certain Pit Boss pellet grills have a “P” button that allows you to regulate the amount of smoke. (That one should be treated with caution, as it may cause jam in the auger system.)

Is it a pellet smoker or a pellet grill?


It’s important to note that a pellet smoker and a pellet grill are different. A pellet smoker is primarily used as an outdoor cooking device, and it does not have the capabilities of traditional grills like searing meat at high temperatures or adjusting temperature levels easily while you cook! On the other hand, a pellet grill has the capability to cook low and slow, but it can also produce high temperatures for searing.

What’s the difference between vertical and horizontal pellet smoker grills?

It’s actually very simple, the vertical pellet smokers cant grill, but you can smoke, bake, or cook whatever you want, it is basically a beginner-friendly smoker.

Horizontal pellet grills can do everything that a vertical pellet smoker can, but they’re more versatile because they can sear and cook meat at high temperatures via indirect flames broiling.

– so stick with a vertical pellet smoker if you want a smoker.

– If you’re looking for a grill that can do everything from smoking to baking and even indirect flame broiling then horizontal pellet grills are the best type of pellet grill for your money.

Can a pellet grill be used as a smoker?


Yes! Pellet grills can cook many of the same dishes as other outdoor cooking devices. Of course, there are some that have unique features to them which you may want to consider before buying one.

Is it possible to grill in a smoker?


Yes, however not on all smokers. If you want this function, check the features to see whether it’s available on your specific model.

YoderSmoker offers direct and indirect grill options by using the smoker firebox.

Pellet Grill vs Smoker


Pellet smokers are ideal for smoking meat if you want to use it, but they don’t deliver the deep smoky flavor like a smoker.

Is a pellet grill better than a smoker?


Well, that’s up to you! It really depends on what type of food you want to make, how much time you have available, the cooking methods you prefer and your budget. Pellet grills and smokers can both make great barbecue, but they have their own unique selling points.

If you want to get more into fire management and cooking with wood, then a smoker may be the better option for you.

However, if you want an all-purpose grill that only requires minimal attention and focuses solely on your meal, chooses pellet grills.

What are some pros and cons of each?


Pellet Grills

Pellet grill Pros

  • Ease-of-use, very beginner-friendly
  • Variety of wood pellets
  • Easy to clean
  • Set it and forget it
  • Digital controller
  • Versatility (can be used as either a grill or smoker)
  • High cooking temperatures inside the grill, and safety

Pellet Grill Cons:

  • Can be expensive
  • It’s required that you are clean often
  • In some cases, pellets can clog the systems’ augers.
  • Pellet grills are more complicated than offset smokers.


Smoker Pros:

  • You can regulate the amount of wood smoke by adjusting the firewood.
  • Natural woo fire
  • Large cooking capacity
  • Cost-effective
  • Producing delicious food in a traditional way
  • Unique style of cooking with either direct or indirect heat sources depending on how you set it up.
  • They are also much cheaper to buy than pellet cookers!
  • A delicious, rich, and deep smoky flavor

Smoker Cons:

  • Offset smokers are bigger and harder to transport
  • They need more attention during cooking
  • Not beginner-friendly
  • Fire management can be difficult



Pellet grills are great for beginners who want an easy-to-use device with digital temperature control! Offset smokers are better for people who want to go old school and cook traditional BBQ with their own hands but don’t mind spending more time cooking.


  • Hello, I'm Brandt, a Certified Grillmaster, chef, and culinary enthusiast with a lifelong passion for creating exceptional flavors through grilling and cooking. Over the past 30 years, I've honed my barbecue skills on a wide range of smokers, grills, and culinary techniques. I've served as a BBQ judge and earned awards and recognition for my achievements in the world of barbecue.

    I'm also an author, writer, and contributor to sites such as Fine Cooking, The Food Chronicles, My Tasty Dish, and The Cooking. I'm dedicated to sharing my expertise and guiding you on your culinary journey.

    Join me as we dive deep into the art of grilling, where I'll be unveiling my time-tested tips and secret recipes that bring people together, one sizzle at a time!

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Last updated: September 24, 2023